
If you die in The Matrix Online, do you die in the movies? Asking for Morpheus | PC Gamer - smithdesichall74

If you die in The Ground substance Online, serve you die in the movies? Interrogatory for Morpheus

The first trailer for The Matrix Resurrections dropped today and, in my ever-so-humble impression, it is cool as hell. I rich person no musical theme what's going on but I love the agency information technology looks, and I'm honestly excited to rejoi to the super-coxa online world of Neo, Ternary, and the rest of the gang.

One prominent appendage of that crew is wanting from the dawdler, however: Morpheus, played in the underived trilogy by Laurence Fishburne. The pok features someone who looks a lot equivalent Morpheus, and who obviously plays a central role in whatever's going on, simply next to Keanu Reeves as Neo and Carrie-Anne Moss as Trinity, he is very much Not Morpheus.

Not Morpheus. (Image credit: Warner Bros Pictures)

And so why isn't the captain of the Nebuchadnezzar in this new trailer? One very interesting theory going around right now is that he's absent because, well, atomic number 2's dead.

This takes extraordinary explaining. The Matrix take trilogy wrapped up in 2003 with Revolutions, but that wasn't the end of the story. The Matrix Online MMO, which sprang to life in 2005, was intended to bear the story forward with a mix of old and new characters, including the player in the role of a "redpill"—a human WHO has been freed from the machinery of the matrix. (This was long before the term "redpill" took on its Sir Thomas More recent political connotations.)

In a 2005 consultation with IGN, the Wachowskis pretty powerfully suggested that what happened in The Matrix Online counted equally an official part of the story: Gamers were going to "inherit the storyline."

"Gaming engages your listen actively whereas most genre films (the films we tend to lear) are configured to provoke as little thinking as possible," they aforementioned. "Consider why the films in which everyone knows exactly what is leaving to befall are the films that establish the almost money.

"Yet the fact that the Intercellular substance films are three of the nearly successful fully grown films in history (despite what some of the media would have us trust), suggests that there are other people like us. Those are the people, the populate who thought most it, who worked at it, who we at long las made the trilogy for and it now makes perfect sense to U.S. that they should come into the plot line."

Sadly, The Intercellular substance Online did not succeed: IT was taken offline in 2009, meet foursome old age after it launched, because of a dwindling player al-Qa'ida. Before that happened, though, Morpheus was actually killed off in the game. It seems he got tired of waiting for the machines to return Neo's body (he's dead too, remember) and so he launched a guerrilla campaign against them, setting off "code bombs" in the Matrix. The machines responded away sending an assassin to take him down, and before prolonged ol' Morpheus was tits-up in a greasy bowling alley.

It seems like a stretch to me—is Warner Bros really departure to spin a major portion of The Ground substance Resurrections' story on an unnoticeable MMO that virtually cipher in the consultation has eve heard of, much to a lesser extent played?—simply if The Matrix Online is partially of the official litany, and if Lana Wachowski cadaver as committed to her big ideas for The Ground substance as she was in 2005, then... perhaps?

It's fair to call attention that Neo and Sacred Trinity are as wel technically dead, having met their ends in The Intercellular substance: Revolutions, then evening if Morpheus is canonically dead, it doesn't needfully mean much if the writers decide He needs to come in back. It could also equal that the Morpheus-alike pictured supra is a new take connected the graphic symbol—Morpheus Redux, as we say. On that point's also an element of fans who think (or at least hope) that Fishburne is being held game for a big surprise reveal, not unequal Keanu Reeves' surprise appearance at E3 2019 to support Cyberpunk 2077.

For his part, Fishburne said in a Collider interview earlier this year that he is "not in the future Matrix movie," although it sounds like he yearned-for to embody, or at least wasn't straightaway against the idea. "You'd have to ask Lana Wachowski why, because I don't birth an resolution for that," he said.

The relevant bit starts at 6:30.

Ultimately it's impossible to take any kind of meaningful guess about Morpheus at this point: The dawdler is identical precooled indeed, but not exactly a mold of clarity. It is fair to say, though, that Warner and Wachowski are playacting on many pretty deep levels here. Jefferson Airplane's "Hot Rabbit" is a bully canorous choice thematically—a song some going down rabbit holes, where "extraordinary pill makes you larger, and one pill makes you small"—but as (somewhat ironically) ascertained by johnsemley3000 on Twitter, the chemical group got started Eastern Samoa the house band for a mid-1960s club in San Francisco called The Matrix.

The Matrix came out in 1999, a yr that also brought us games including Tony Hawk's Pro Skater, Organisation Floor 2, and Age of Empires 2—completely of which feature either received or are acquiring a fresh look for a new audience. Apparently it's roughneck to relinquish a good thing, even later much 20 old age.

The Intercellular substance Resurrections debuts in theaters and on HBO Max on December 22.

Andy Chalk

Andy has been gaming happening PCs from the very beginning, starting A a youngster with text adventures and primitive action games on a cassette-based TRS80. From there atomic number 2 graduated to the glory days of Sierra Online adventures and Microprose sims, ran a local BBS, learned how to chassis PCs, and developed a longstanding love of RPGs, immersive sims, and shooters. Atomic number 2 began writing videogame news in 2007 for The Wishful thinker and for some reason managed to avoid acquiring fired until 2014, when he joined the storied ranks of PC Gamer. He covers each aspects of the industry, from new game announcements and patch notes to legal disputes, Twitch beefs, esports, and Henry Cavill. Lots of Henry Cavill.


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