
Windows 11 Insider Preview ISO download is out: Here's how to do a clean install of Microsoft's new OS | PC Gamer - smithdesichall74

Windows 11 Insider Prevue ISO download is out: Here's how to answer a clean install of Microsoft's new Osmium

Windows 11 taskbar on famous Windows wallpapers through time
(Image accredit: Microsoft)

Microsoft has just released the first official Windows 11 ISO file away. That substance if you wanted to try out a clean install, maybe for that small-scale old laptop, and so now's the time to get downloading and setting up a fresh-cut USB spliff for the privilege.

You will still need to constitute a dedicated Windows Insider to be able to download Windows 11 right today. Okay, you Don River't actually need to be that votive, as a matter of fact you could just register for free today, download the ISO, install it, and never provide any feedback to Microsoft at all. You undressed OS-using rebel, you.

You leave also need to induce sure whatever scheme you want to instal the Windows 11 ISO onto is actually capable of running the parvenu operating system. The Windows 11 system requirements take been a major bone of controversy regarding Microsoft's upcoming OS, especially surrounding its demands for TPM 2.0 support from your system of rules, ostensibly because of a desire to improve surety.

The ISO download isn't the latest edition of Windows 11, however, thus IT will need a quick update to get to the version Microsoft has just released. The ISO is Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 22000.132, while the most recent update is Build 22000.160.

But on that point is cardinal affair you'll stupefy with the ISO that you won't with the standard in-localize climb from Windows 10 that you will have had to do before the ISO download dropped: that's the OOBE.

(Image credit: Microsoft)

OOBE? Out of package experience.

Basically, Microsoft is testing extinct the user experience of installing Windows 11 happening a organization for the early time, with all the presentation screens, and options that usually entails. Excursus from the brighter overall look, Microsoft is also introducing the power to gens your information processing system As you set ahead Windows 11. Own't that cute. My Windows 11 build's called Guinea Poog.

How come I set u the Windows 11 ISO?

Once you've checked your target system meets the indispensable requirements, then you will need to select which edition you want to download. There are a hardly a polar Windows 11 editions to choose from, but we'd intimate, unless you're specifically after the China edition, that you go for either of the top cardinal options.

There's a Dev line and a Beta channel variant for the Windows 11 Insider Preview and the difference is purely based on the cadence of future releases. The Dev canal of the Insider Program testament get the current updates, but that as wel means they risk being the least stable of builds. The Beta channel, consequently, is likely to comprise a more opaque release.

So, it depends if you're willing to have the odd bug to experimentation with the latest Windows 11 toys.

Then select your preferred language set and download the ISO file.

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Microsoft Windows 11 ISO download

(Image quotation: Microsoft)

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Microsoft Windows 11 ISO download

(Figure credit: Microsoft)

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Microsoft Windows 11 ISO download

(Fancy credit: Microsoft)

From here you have few options. The first is that you can drop the ISO file onto any existing Windows machine and execute either an in-place update or a clean set up over the circus tent of the current induction.

  • Voyage to the ISO charge's location in File Adventurer and twice pawl IT to open. This will efficaciously 'mount' it so you can get at the files inside it.
  • Double click the Frame-up.exe file out and the whole install process will begin.
  • If you want to keep anything from this installation then you will need to select the alternative to 'Keep Windows settings, personal files, and apps.' If you privation a unarmed install and then select the option that says to celebrate nothing.

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Microsoft Windows 11 ISO download

(Image credit: Microsoft)

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Microsoft Windows 11 ISO download

(Image credit: Microsoft)

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Microsoft Windows 11 ISO download

(Image credit: Microsoft)

You can too create a bootable USB stick to install the Windows 11 Insider Trailer happening different devices. Microsoft recommends a third-party app, called Rufus, because it is relatively simplified to usage and lightweight in damage of system of rules resources.

  • Set up Rufus and run the application.
  • Enter the USB drive you want the Windows 11 ISO mounted on. This will need to be at least 8GB in size and the process will erase whatever files currently on there, so you leave want to remove anything you wish to living.
  • Make sure that in the 'Device' sink you select the object USB drive.
  • The filing system should be NTFS.
  • Click the 'Select' button to navigate to the location of the Windows 11 Insider Prevue ISO file and choose it and then click 'Start'.
  • It will take a bit while for the process to sheer, depending on the speed of your USB stick of course.
  • Once finished, you can eject the drive and use it to perform a clean install on any sympathetic system you equivalent by protrusive the machine and booting directly from the USB drive. You whitethorn receive to enter the target system's BIOS first, however, and temporarily disable Secure Boot to access it.

And there you have it, one shiny bootable USB drive with which you can get some sympathetic machine ahead to day of the month with the latest Microsoft Atomic number 76. Asymptomatic, an aged version that you can past update to the up-to-the-minute OS anyway.

Dave James

Dave has been gaming since the days of Zaxxon and Dame Hemipterous insect along the Colecovision, and code books for the Commodore Vic 20 (Death Race 2000!). He reinforced his first play PC at the crispy years of 16, and lastly done with bug-fixture the Cyrix-based system around a year later. When he dropped IT out of the window. He initiative started piece of writing for Official PlayStation Magazine and Xbox World many decades ago, then moved onto PC Format regular, then PC Gamer, TechRadar, and T3 among others. Now atomic number 2's back, writing about the nightmarish graphics card market, CPUs with more cores than sense, gambling laptops hotter than the sun, and SSDs more capacious than a Cybertruck.


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